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Ground Gas Air Lance Testing

Ground Gas Air Lance Testing

Millard Consulting are proud to announce air lance testing as part of our in-house ground gas risk assessment and protection verification services. Air lance testing is recommended in the British Standard and CIRIA 735 for quality assurance of gas membrane installations. The test is the only suitable way to check the integrity of welded or taped seams on gas resistant membrane. Substantial reliance is placed upon gas resistant membrane, as a barrier to ground gas entry into buildings. However one of the most significant flaws in a working gas protection system is the improper construction of joints and seals.

The air lance test is an industry approved principle technique for identifying un-bonded seams. Since 2015, the BS8485 Code of Practice for the design of protective measures for methane and carbon dioxide ground gases for new buildings has recommended integrity testing of membrane installations.

In the last few years Millard have been involved in a number of ground gas risk assessments, gas protection system designs and installation verification using air lance testing and can confirm it is a very effective test, when undertaken following the ASTM D4437-08-2013 procedure. It provides a quick, robust and practical way to locate flaws in seam and seal construction on-site, allowing them to be remedied and re-tested, before they are covered over. Air lance testing is far superior to visual or pick inspection alone in the level of quality control offered.

Our service includes test, observation and non-compliance reporting as well as advice on remedial measures and re-testing. Our clients’ goal is usually a verified membrane installation, so that follow on works can commence. Depending on the size of area offered for testing the general scope of work includes test; remedy; re-test until the installation can be deemed to pass.

The perception of ground gas risk among consultants and regulators has never been greater, not least since the Gorebridge incident highlighted the significant risks that can be presented to residential development in former mining areas. We have noted increased awareness throughout the country with both Planning and Building Standards enquiries into ground gas risk.

As a result, ground gas risk assessment and ground gas protection designs are becoming more common requirements for brownfield development. In some cases, ground gas risk becomes a key issue for building warrant, even when land contamination planning conditions have not been applied to consent.

If you wish to enquire further about our comprehensive ground gas risk assessment, gas protection designs, and installation verification services please do not hesitate to get in touch for free no-obligation advice and quotes.

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