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Project details

"Strategic studies and reporting in support of outline planning consent, including transport planning, traffic engineering, masterplan development, infrastructure design, flood risk assessment."

Hermiston Securities

Residential, Leisure


Project description

The approved Clackmannanshire and Stirling Structure Plan recognised the need for major expansion of an existing settlement to accommodate future housing needs. Forestmill, which lies at the foot of the Ochil’s in eastern Clackmannanshire and within easy commuting distance of both Alloa and Stirling was identified by Hermiston Securities as an ideal development location which fulfilled the structure plans strategic requirements.

The development of Forestmill which the client proposed would involve the construction of approximately 1250 houses, community facilities, a primary school, business units and various leisure facilities within a structured and innovative landscape framework. In order to secure planning permission and prove the viability of the proposed scheme an extensive consultation and assessment exercise was undertaken.

Millard Consulting were appointed by the client to work on several aspects of the proposal which successfully gained outline planning consent in 2009

Services provide by Millard Consulting in relation to this development include:

  • Flood risk assessment and mitigation design
  • Infrastructure assessment and preliminary drainage design
  • Major constraints assessment and negotiations with Scottish Power and Scotland Gas Networks Ltd to negate the impact of these on the area to be developed
  • Environmental and Geological desktop studies
  • Air quality assessment and mitigation design
  • Production of EIS chapters and supporting evidence for planning inquiry
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