Project details
Skoda, Stirling
Project description
Following on from our award nominated project at RHS Edinburgh we continued our successful partnership with Alltec Construction Limited, providing a range of engineering services for construction of a new showroom and workshop facility for Skoda. The development on a prominent site at Forthside Way, a former industrial area in Stirling, has required detailed environmental and geotechnical evaluations. The site presents some demanding ground conditions, situated on the raised tidal flats of the Forth Valley and in a former coal mining area. We are now engaged in engineering the design of civil and structural elements of the project.
When the former road haulage depot was identified as a candidate site by Skoda we were initially engaged on a due diligence audit to identify and quantify exceptional costs associated with construction of the proposed facility. This has included consideration of contamination from the former use of the site and surrounding area, feasibility options of a SUDS for the site and a foundation solution to overcome soft tidal deposits. Investigations have progressed and we are now engaged in detailed design since the site was approved through Planning in December 2016.