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Invercarse Hotel Extension

The proposed extension of Invercarse Hotel was in The Courier this week as details were made public from the recently lodged planning application. The hotel, which is part of the Best Western group, is already a popular and attractive venue in the west of the City on the old Perth road. Following the successful extension of their Woodlands Hotel in Broughty Ferry, the hotel group is looking to ensure the Invercarse offers a modern and excellent standard of accommodation to cater for increasing numbers of visitors.

The building extension, designed by Arktx is to provide twenty-four new bedrooms and at Millard Consulting we have been busy behind the scenes, since Spring, working on plans for the Hotel. To make space for the new 2 storey wing, the car park will have to be moved further back into the site.  Work has been undertaken to model the necessary earthworks, design surface levels, drainage and surface water attenuation.

Provided the Council agree with the plans, the existing structure will have to be fully inspected and design consideration given to joining the new and old buildings. As well as evaluating ground conditions for the new building we will be certifying the structural design for building warrant certification.


The new building has been designed with energy efficiency in mind and a south facing roof, which will accommodate a substantial array of solar photovoltaic cells. The Victorian mansion house, which forms the original facade of the hotel is situated in a prime spot looking southward over the Tay, which receives almost as much average sunlight as the south-east of England. The prospects are good for this new extension to significantly improve the green credentials of the hotel.

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