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Project details

DF Concerts


Cost:  TBC

Project description

Millard Consulting was appointed by DF Concerts to provide flood risk, hydrology, and structural engineering services for the T in the Park music festival which moved to a new 326ha site at Strathallan Castle in 2015.

Millard’s services were required both pre and post planning to facilitate the move for Scotland’s largest music festival, which has a capacity for approximately 80,000 people per day. The site also includes a temporary campsite for thousands.

The flood risk and hydrology services provided included the assessment of three watercourse which flow either through, or along the boundary of the site. This assessment resulted in the prediction of flood extents for various return periods and allowed temporary bridge structures to be appropriately designed. The flood risk analysis was also key in enabling emergency access/egress routes to be established. The sizing of new culverts was also undertaken using hydraulic model, while registrations were also obtained under The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011.

Structural engineering services included survey of existing bridge structures and bridge design.

Water resources was another area tackled by Millard’s, with an assessment of potential water supply options undertaken.

Millard Consulting worked closely with a large project team which included the Client, Architects and Planning Consultants throughout the project to ensure a coordinated approach and a successful project conclusion.

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